Tuesday, November 13, 2012

13 weeks post op- EXCERCISES

I seen the surgeon on Oct 12th 2012, at that time I was 10 weeks post op. She said I was doing great and that she was very pleased with my progress.

I started physio yesterday 13 weeks post op where he is teaching me strengthening and core exercises. My therapist has started me out light.

Gluteus Medius exercise that I do without moving my spine at all 

Gluteus medius strengthening exercises: gluteus medius strengthening exercisesAn exercise performed by lying on your good side, with lowermost leg bent for balance. Keeping the uppermost leg straight, and with the foot rotated out to 45°, raise it up and slightly backwards, holding just for a couple of seconds. Lower the leg and repeat, feeling for the contraction of the muscle with your uppermost hand.

Ankle Dorsifflexion Stretch

  • Standing in a split stance, leaning forward, with hands on a wall or other support
  • Both feet pointed straight ahead


  • Sit back on heels, performing a traditional calf stretch
  • Hold for 2 seconds
  • Switch feet and repeat
  • Repeat for prescribed repetitions

Coaching Keys

  • Maintain good arch good arch position with feet

You Should Feel ItStretching your calf


Piriformis stretch

Recruitment Transversus Abdomen

I will continue these exercises as much as I can thru the day. I visit my physio therapist once a week now for the next 6 weeks and then increase to twice a week. 

So far so good and I couldn't be any happier with the progress that I have made this far.